Thursday, August 24, 2006

A "Slice of the Future"

If you have walked through Kuhlman Court, you have probably noticed construction of a stone object. That object is a stone mock-up of what the actual exterior of the new Student Center will look like.
The stone layout was chosen in order to match the existing architectural feel of Mizzou.
The mock-up serves two puposes.
One is for the process of hiring a contractor. We want to make sure that the stone masons we contract will be able to construct the outside of the building the way we want it. The stone masons will then have to contruct a second stone mock-up to verify that they will be able to do the job.
Two is so that the stone masons will be able to reference the mock-up when constructing the actual building.
When completed, the stone mock-up will be approximately 17 feet wide and 11 feet tall.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Second Open Forum

Yesterday, August 15, we held our second monthly open forum and information session about the project. It was a great chance for people curious about the project to come out and get new and updated information and get answers to their questions. Many students and staff on campus showed up, such as MSA President John Andersen.

Mary led the open forum by first sharing our communication plan with everyone. Our communication plan is a view of the next year and how we plan to spread the word about the project. If you would like to view the communication plan, click here.

Mary also gave an update about the utility extension project. That part of the project is cleaning up a bit for the start of school; however there are a few things that will be finished and the workers will return before groundbreaking.

Also, coming to Kuhlman court will be a stone mock up of what the outside of the building is going to look like. (Check back later for another update with further detail about this part of the project)

Other exciting news is that Mort Walker has agreed to let us use his famed character Beetle Bailey as a spokesperson for the project. He will create cartoons of Beetle that will inform people about the project updates.

Lastly, Michelle Froese shared a presentation about a new idea we are trying to incorporate in the New Student Center. The idea is celebrating the campus’ past, present, and future through pictures, quotes, and whatever else we can think of in displays mainly having to do with the student experience. If you have any ideas that might help or you want to share that are important about the student experience throughout the years at Mizzou, please contact Michelle at

The next open forum is Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 3:00pm in Jesse Wrench Auditorium in Memorial Union. Please come share your ideas and ask whatever questions you may have.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Site Utility Wrapping Up

Site Utility is almost completed!!! The finishing stages are getting done to wrap up the summer construction. The picture shows the area outside Brady where a new parking lot is being paved where the old one once was.

In addition, this summer, Tara and I have been working to share information about the project with the incoming students and their parents at Summer Welcome. We are also preparing for our Ground Breaking Ceremony in October.

Join us on Friday, October 20 at 3:30 p.m. as we officially break ground to begin construction of the new Student Center at the University of Missouri-Columbia. This moment marks the beginning of the expansion and renovation of the current Brady Student Commons which will bring improved services and spaces to the students and others at MU. After the event, everyone is welcome to enjoy refreshments in Kuhlman Court.