Friday, September 29, 2006

Why is the stone there?

There have been comments recently about the stone mock up, and it being a waste of time and money. To address these concerns, here are a few reasons for the stone mock-up.

For projects requiring brick or stone masonry, a mock up is required by the campus, and serves as a template for the overall work. In most construction projects- such as those for the new residence halls, people don’t see the mock-up because it is behind a fenced area. For the Student Center project, this mock-up has been placed in a visible location so that we can get your feedback on the look of the building. This mock up serves several purposes, including being used a reference to the standards of quality construction and craftsmanship that the university requires. In addition, once a company is selected, they will be asked to build another wall to show they are able to accomplish the job.

While a stone wall may not be the most interesting or exciting part of this project, it is necessary for the construction of the building, and is required by the University. We encourage students to stop by and look at the stone. While you are looking at the stone, there are several things to think about, and give us your feedback on.
1. What do you think of the color of the stone? Do you like the variation in color caused by the darker stones?
2. Do you like the smoother façade or the “chunkier” stone?
3. What do you think of the orange coloring? Should there be more, less, none?
4. Any other comments?

You can leave your feedback or any other questions and comments, at

Friday, September 08, 2006

Stone Mock Up Completed!

The stone mock up in Kuhlman Court is finished. Be sure to stop by an check out what the outside of your new Student Center is going to look like.

This stone mock-up represents what the exterior walls of the new
Student Center will look like when completed. The stone layout was
chosen in order to match the existing architectural feeling at Mizzou.
Limestone is the main stone in the new Student Center because of the
buildings location on the historical "White campus." Thirty-eight
semi-truckloads of limestone will be used complete the new Student
Center. For more information on the new Student Center visit